Dynamic Welcome Sign
Make your visitors feel valued with personalised welcome messages

Our new Dynamic Welcome Sign links directly to your booking system.
Simply locate our weatherproof monitors and Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras at your facility’s access points to:
- Welcome your visitors and clients by name
- Provide additional information you think may be important to them,
e.g. their room or lodge number - Identify repeat users and offer loyalty rewards accordingly.
The signage will delight your clients and offer you a myriad of features and opportunities, including:
- A simple way of identifying your peak times
- A historic list of vehicles, for audit purposes
- A cost effective way of advertising your products and services on screen
- Revenue opportunities through advertising third party products and services on screen.
The Dynamic Welcome Sign can be fitted in any environment, including holiday parks, stadiums, country clubs, spas, hotels, car washes and business complexes.
Case study
The Dynamic Welcome Sign has been installed at a business complex, allowing multiple companies to welcome VIP visitors and improve business efficiency by monitoring staff movements and identifying arriving deliveries.
Future planned developments include allowing the business complex to generate revenue by selling screen advertising space on the Dynamic Welcome Sign
to third parties.
Our reputation
We have applied the extensive experience and expertise we have gained through supplying ANPR solutions to the UK Police Services for more than 15 years to ensure a robust product, which utilises cutting edge technology.
Dynamic Welcome Sign
For more information
Call +44 (0) 1604 781 890 or email info@qrosolutions.co.uk
Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) technology is referred to as Automatic License Plate Reader/Recognition (ALPR) technology in the USA and other countries.
“We now have a straightforward solution that is easier to use...with the processing power to cope with any future requirements we may have.”
Trevor Longshaw, ANPR Development and Services Lead, Cheshire Police.
"The data the Dynamic Welcome Sign provides is helping to develop the business strategy.”
Tim Walton, UK Managing Director of IMO.
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